The main reason people fail when starting a get fit program is they do not set daily goals and targets. Not having something to work towards results in failure to follow though with exercise plans and diet changes. However if you are looking to improve your health and well-being by starting a get fit program, then all you need to succeed is to have some simple thought out goals and targets. This is easier than you think. All that is required on your part is some planning.
When starting a get fit program you should build into it the following seven tips:
1. Exercise and a healthy diet are key to improving your fitness. I am sure you have heard this time and time again, but do not let the word diet put you off. A healthy diet does not mean living on a strict food intake, it simply means you need to pay attention to what you are eating. Cutting down on foods high in sugar, fats, salt and cholesterol and increasing your intake of foods high in fibre, protein and complex carbohyrates is a good way to start. Eat smaller portions and eat more often throughout the day. Additionally, daily exercise is ideal. Choose activites that you enjoy and if you cannot schedule this in each day, then try to do some form of exercise at least three times per week.
2. Exercise when it suits you. Include your workout when it works for you. If you find getting up and exercising first thing in the morning works best for you then do that. Or if you prefer to fit your exercise in at lunchtime or when you get home at night then thats fine too!As long as it works for you then thats what is important. Make sure however, do not substitute exercising for a meal, if you choose to workout in the morning make sure you still eat a healthy breakfast. The same applies at lunchtime and dinner. Remember you must eat a healthy diet for the best results.
3. Look at your fitness evaluation. Having your fitness evaluated can be a great place to begin when starting a get fit program. This will let you know what areas you need to work on and can help you build a better picture of where you want to be. Most gyms will provide this service for free and some gyms will also have a personal trainer on hand for you to utilize. You may find a personal trainer unnecessary however if you feel you can discipline yourself to stick to your chosen exercise plan.
4. Exercise can be something you enjoy. Exercise does not need to be boring. You may find you enjoy going to the gym or doing a fitness DVD at home. Outdoor activities may be your thing. Cycling, jogging, hiking, dancing and even gardening are great ways to lose weight and get fit. When starting a get fit program it is important to choose something you will really enjoy doing, so remeber fitness can be fun so try to keep things interesting.
5. Only buy healthy foods and snacks. Keeping your kitchen full of healthy, tasty and nutritious foods will lower the chances of you reaching for something unhealthy to eat or snack on. Stock up on tasty fruits, vegetables and nuts which you can snack on throughout the day. Having a healthy diet is the best way to notice maximum results from your workout. If you do not see great results it may lower your motivation and you may stop exercising completely. So eat healthy to help stay on track with your exercise.
6. Make sure you are hydrated. It is recommended that we drink atleast 6-8 glasses of clean filtered water a day, more when exercising. Staying hydrated is vital to ensuring body processes and functions are working efficiently, especially when starting a get fit program. If we don't drink enough water our body will start to retain it in order to keep functioning. This causes bloating. So in order to keep our bodies functioning at their best we need to regularly drink water throughout the day. This will flush out toxins and keep metabolism up.
7. Interval Training Works Best. To lose weight the important thing is not how many calories you can burn per exercise, but how many calories you burn 24-7. And the most powerful fat burners you have are your muscles! So toss the notion of long bouts of cardio out the window. INTENSITY is the KEY to getting the most out of your cardio in the least amount of time. So structure your get fit program with this in mind, build it around energizing short burst intervals!
Hopefully the tips above have helped you on your way to starting a get fit program. If you take anything out of this let it be that you must make daily goals and targets and stick to them. - 29951
When starting a get fit program you should build into it the following seven tips:
1. Exercise and a healthy diet are key to improving your fitness. I am sure you have heard this time and time again, but do not let the word diet put you off. A healthy diet does not mean living on a strict food intake, it simply means you need to pay attention to what you are eating. Cutting down on foods high in sugar, fats, salt and cholesterol and increasing your intake of foods high in fibre, protein and complex carbohyrates is a good way to start. Eat smaller portions and eat more often throughout the day. Additionally, daily exercise is ideal. Choose activites that you enjoy and if you cannot schedule this in each day, then try to do some form of exercise at least three times per week.
2. Exercise when it suits you. Include your workout when it works for you. If you find getting up and exercising first thing in the morning works best for you then do that. Or if you prefer to fit your exercise in at lunchtime or when you get home at night then thats fine too!As long as it works for you then thats what is important. Make sure however, do not substitute exercising for a meal, if you choose to workout in the morning make sure you still eat a healthy breakfast. The same applies at lunchtime and dinner. Remember you must eat a healthy diet for the best results.
3. Look at your fitness evaluation. Having your fitness evaluated can be a great place to begin when starting a get fit program. This will let you know what areas you need to work on and can help you build a better picture of where you want to be. Most gyms will provide this service for free and some gyms will also have a personal trainer on hand for you to utilize. You may find a personal trainer unnecessary however if you feel you can discipline yourself to stick to your chosen exercise plan.
4. Exercise can be something you enjoy. Exercise does not need to be boring. You may find you enjoy going to the gym or doing a fitness DVD at home. Outdoor activities may be your thing. Cycling, jogging, hiking, dancing and even gardening are great ways to lose weight and get fit. When starting a get fit program it is important to choose something you will really enjoy doing, so remeber fitness can be fun so try to keep things interesting.
5. Only buy healthy foods and snacks. Keeping your kitchen full of healthy, tasty and nutritious foods will lower the chances of you reaching for something unhealthy to eat or snack on. Stock up on tasty fruits, vegetables and nuts which you can snack on throughout the day. Having a healthy diet is the best way to notice maximum results from your workout. If you do not see great results it may lower your motivation and you may stop exercising completely. So eat healthy to help stay on track with your exercise.
6. Make sure you are hydrated. It is recommended that we drink atleast 6-8 glasses of clean filtered water a day, more when exercising. Staying hydrated is vital to ensuring body processes and functions are working efficiently, especially when starting a get fit program. If we don't drink enough water our body will start to retain it in order to keep functioning. This causes bloating. So in order to keep our bodies functioning at their best we need to regularly drink water throughout the day. This will flush out toxins and keep metabolism up.
7. Interval Training Works Best. To lose weight the important thing is not how many calories you can burn per exercise, but how many calories you burn 24-7. And the most powerful fat burners you have are your muscles! So toss the notion of long bouts of cardio out the window. INTENSITY is the KEY to getting the most out of your cardio in the least amount of time. So structure your get fit program with this in mind, build it around energizing short burst intervals!
Hopefully the tips above have helped you on your way to starting a get fit program. If you take anything out of this let it be that you must make daily goals and targets and stick to them. - 29951
About the Author:
Learn more about starting a get fit program. Stop by Steve Roberts's site where you can find out all about starting a get fit program and what it can do for you.