Would you like to lose a few pounds? Most people would. Some would like to lose only a couple, some maybe a lot more. Wherever you lie on the spectrum, you're not alone. It is no secret that more and more people are slowly but surely getting fatter and fatter.
Obviously, the ideal solution would be to take some magic pill or concoction, go to sleep, and wake up magically slim and sexy with the body of a super model. (And a closet filled with new clothes, since you're old ones wouldn't fit anymore!)
But last I checked, there isn't any miracle cure aisle at my local pharmacy. Even if there was, I'd be highly skeptical about it. There are plenty of diets that claim to help you lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. And many of them work, but they don't come without problems.
One issue is that if you lose too quickly, it usually comes back. And it brings more with it. I'm sure you've had this happen, like most of us. And each time it just seems to get harder and harder.
And when you do lose weight like that pretty quickly, it is usually not the best for you, health wise. Many times the weight you lose is merely water weight, which can make you dehydrated. You actually lose weight, but the amount of fat on your body is still the same.
So what are we left with if we really do want to lose weight fast? Most people are starting to realize the most effective way to rapid weight loss is through increasing your metabolism. When your metabolism is high enough, you can start to burn fat twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.
How do you get to this level? By eating foods and doing exercises that support a naturally high metabolism. Good carbohydrates, good, natural fats found in fish, vegetables, and nuts, and lean protein.
What about the exercises? Any exercise that works your large muscle groups. Your legs, thighs, buttocks and core. Your core is your abdominal and your lower back muscles. By building up your lean muscle mass, you will be supercharging your metabolism.
These two simple concepts, good food, and a sensible exercise plan can rapidly increase your metabolism, which will make it easy to lose weight fast. Before you know it, you'll be out shopping for new, smaller, clothes. - 29951
Obviously, the ideal solution would be to take some magic pill or concoction, go to sleep, and wake up magically slim and sexy with the body of a super model. (And a closet filled with new clothes, since you're old ones wouldn't fit anymore!)
But last I checked, there isn't any miracle cure aisle at my local pharmacy. Even if there was, I'd be highly skeptical about it. There are plenty of diets that claim to help you lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. And many of them work, but they don't come without problems.
One issue is that if you lose too quickly, it usually comes back. And it brings more with it. I'm sure you've had this happen, like most of us. And each time it just seems to get harder and harder.
And when you do lose weight like that pretty quickly, it is usually not the best for you, health wise. Many times the weight you lose is merely water weight, which can make you dehydrated. You actually lose weight, but the amount of fat on your body is still the same.
So what are we left with if we really do want to lose weight fast? Most people are starting to realize the most effective way to rapid weight loss is through increasing your metabolism. When your metabolism is high enough, you can start to burn fat twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.
How do you get to this level? By eating foods and doing exercises that support a naturally high metabolism. Good carbohydrates, good, natural fats found in fish, vegetables, and nuts, and lean protein.
What about the exercises? Any exercise that works your large muscle groups. Your legs, thighs, buttocks and core. Your core is your abdominal and your lower back muscles. By building up your lean muscle mass, you will be supercharging your metabolism.
These two simple concepts, good food, and a sensible exercise plan can rapidly increase your metabolism, which will make it easy to lose weight fast. Before you know it, you'll be out shopping for new, smaller, clothes. - 29951
About the Author:
If you are interested in a way to easily and effortlessly Lose Weight Fast, head on over to Cindy Burgenstein's secret to Lose Weight now.