Increase Your Vertical Leap TODAY by Changing Your Jumping Form

By Brayden Fisher

Are you aware that you can learn how to jump higher? If you implement the correct jumping form and practice the proper techniques, your vertical jump can increase quickly. How many times have you been playing basketball and you see a guy who is really close to dunking but just can't seem to get the few extra inches he needs? I know I have seen it a lot and I'm sure you have too.

These guys get the same result every time......another missed dunk! Why is this? Well, they are using the same approach, the same mis-steps, and the same bad form each time. If they would take some time out and practice implementing the proper jumping techniques they could get the extra inches they are looking for and be dunking in no time. Adjusting your jumping form can increase your vertical leap by 3-6 inches! That is pretty impressive if you ask me. So what is the perfect jumping form? Let's take a look...

Below I have broken down the 7 steps to a perfect jump. Keep in mind this is just a quick summary of the perfect jump but all of the steps are there. For more information on jumping form and how to increase your vertical leap click on the links I have for you at the bottom of the page.

1. Warm Up - Warming up before you prepare to jump will increase the elasticity of you muscles and joints. It will improve blood flow to your muscles as well.

2. Stretch - I know, I know, stretching is not very fun. But once again, this increases the elasticity of your muscles and that is what we need.

3. Remove Any Mental Blocks - You must have the mindset that you are going to gather up all the jumping potential that you have within you. Failure is not an option for you! Imagine yourself successfully jumping to new heights.

4. Exaggerate The Last Step - This will lower the body and prepare you for exploding up.

5. Use Your Whole Body - Don't just jump with your legs. Use your arms and lower back to help you out as well. Throw them in an upward motion to help propel you higher in the air. Also, pointing your toes upward toward your knees just before you EXPLODE up will allow for a more full range of motion.

6. Use Your Momemtum - Practice transferring your foward momentum upward without slowing or stopping before you explode up for your jump.

7. Be Quick - You must perform these movements quickly in order to allow all your momentum to fluidly transfer upward and increase your vertical. Going too slow, shuffling your feet, or over-exaggerating the last step will throw off the synchronization of the movement.

My goal is that this overview of the perfect jumping form will help you find those extra inches in your vertical that you have been looking for. For more information on how you can improve your vertical jump visit the links I have at the bottom of the page.

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