Jillian Michaels is the popular, no-nonsense physical trainer on The Biggest Loser whose past three pink contestants have been crowned the show's champion. Jillian has created an online program based on her knowledge that is aimed at those fans of the show who wish to change their lives by losing weight and achieving a more active, healthy lifestyle. So is the online program as effective as the show?
Wanting to improve your health is the first step to any successful weight loss program. This is the motivator behind the TV show "The Biggest Loser". However, you have a better chance of winning the lottery than you do of actually getting on that show. While people on the show have all their meals planned out for them, the best equipment, doctors, and not one, but two trainers to motivate them, those of us out here in the 'real world' don't have any of that. Is it possible to lose 110, 112 or even 140 lb by doing it on your own?
However, some contestants that have been kicked off the show in the early stages and have returned to their normal lives, have still lost incredible amounts of weight. This proves that when properly motivated, you can do it on your own. While the Jillian Michaels diet, doesn't literally provide her and her tough love approach, her online program does provide you with interactive tools and a plan customized for you.
Rather than forcing you into a little premade whole based on "the average", Jillian Michaels diet program starts with a questionnaire. The questionnaire asks you about your height, age, weight, and lifestyle, including what exercises you enjoy and what exercises you do, the foods you love and your body type. It even takes into account past injuries. Then she gives you instant results showing your body type, and the best exercise and food choices for you.
Of course, like any diet program there is a small fee to use it, about four dollars a week. That's really not such a huge amount when you think about the money it cost to join gyms and other similar programs. For some people, this might be just the thing they're looking for. Once you join the program, you get access to all sorts of things like online buddies, advice from Jillian, information on behavior modifications, calorie calculators, meal plans recipes, fitness advice videos and printable exercises. Of course, before starting any exercise program you should consult your doctor, and wearing that pink shirt might not hurt either. - 29951
Wanting to improve your health is the first step to any successful weight loss program. This is the motivator behind the TV show "The Biggest Loser". However, you have a better chance of winning the lottery than you do of actually getting on that show. While people on the show have all their meals planned out for them, the best equipment, doctors, and not one, but two trainers to motivate them, those of us out here in the 'real world' don't have any of that. Is it possible to lose 110, 112 or even 140 lb by doing it on your own?
However, some contestants that have been kicked off the show in the early stages and have returned to their normal lives, have still lost incredible amounts of weight. This proves that when properly motivated, you can do it on your own. While the Jillian Michaels diet, doesn't literally provide her and her tough love approach, her online program does provide you with interactive tools and a plan customized for you.
Rather than forcing you into a little premade whole based on "the average", Jillian Michaels diet program starts with a questionnaire. The questionnaire asks you about your height, age, weight, and lifestyle, including what exercises you enjoy and what exercises you do, the foods you love and your body type. It even takes into account past injuries. Then she gives you instant results showing your body type, and the best exercise and food choices for you.
Of course, like any diet program there is a small fee to use it, about four dollars a week. That's really not such a huge amount when you think about the money it cost to join gyms and other similar programs. For some people, this might be just the thing they're looking for. Once you join the program, you get access to all sorts of things like online buddies, advice from Jillian, information on behavior modifications, calorie calculators, meal plans recipes, fitness advice videos and printable exercises. Of course, before starting any exercise program you should consult your doctor, and wearing that pink shirt might not hurt either. - 29951
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If you're a fan of Jillian and would like more information, use the following URL for a complete review on the Jillian Michaels Diet or check out other fitness diets