Originally developed in China these fire-arm replicas look and feel like the real thing. The idea stemmed from China, where firearms had been eliminated in the civilian sector. This elimination caused many people who desired to collect firearms to seek a way to have replicas that closely resembled the original items. Airsoft guns were the answer to this desire for firearm replicas. These guns that use small round pellets have developed to the point they are standardized and produced in a limited number of calipers.
These weapons eventually were adapted to include guns that were powered by gas or battery and as these guns became more and more popular a sport developed. This sport simply known as airsoft is basically a big boy version of Cowboy and Indians or capture the flag. This hobby eventually traveled across the ocean to the United States and became popular there as well.
While they are mostly manufactured in Asia airsoft guns are available in all parts of the world. However regulation has made it necessary within the United States for any airsoft firearms to have a distinguishing orange mark or cap on them. This is so that they are easily identifiable and can be distinguished from the real thing.
These carbon copy m16's and other semi automatic rifles and pistols have been recently adopted by a large amount of police departments for the purpose of training their new recruits and providing refresher training to their current officers without having to use more expensive authentic weapons in training scenarios.
While many games have evolved from the use of these guns, perhaps the most popular is MilSim. A military simulation game that comprises of two teams of players that plan out extensive battle strategies and often play continuously for several days in a row. Players often remain in the field until the game has completely ended and often use radios, rations and even explosives.
With replica m16's and other traditional military weapons these battles can often look like the real thing since players are often required to dress in particular military uniforms. In other cases the players wear regular civilian clothing rather than fatigues. These skirmishes where the players wear civilian clothing are called skirmish in silly kit or SISK.
While MilSim tends to be the most popular sport it is by far not the only sport. Unlike paint-ball, another popular war simulation game, Airsoft requires a player to uphold an honor system. In paint ball the paint pellets that are fired by the guns leave obvious paint markings on the players when they are hit. With airsoft guns, there is not this obvious marking and so the player must be honest about when they have been hit and where.
Due to the exactness of these guns some areas have restricted their use, such as large inner cities. In the United States these guns are required to contain orange markings that are permanent. So they can be quickly distinguished from authentic fire-arms.
Airsoft guns can be found at many sporting good outlets and often at stores or kiosks set up strictly for the sale of these guns and related items. There are also a large number of providers available via the internet. - 29951
These weapons eventually were adapted to include guns that were powered by gas or battery and as these guns became more and more popular a sport developed. This sport simply known as airsoft is basically a big boy version of Cowboy and Indians or capture the flag. This hobby eventually traveled across the ocean to the United States and became popular there as well.
While they are mostly manufactured in Asia airsoft guns are available in all parts of the world. However regulation has made it necessary within the United States for any airsoft firearms to have a distinguishing orange mark or cap on them. This is so that they are easily identifiable and can be distinguished from the real thing.
These carbon copy m16's and other semi automatic rifles and pistols have been recently adopted by a large amount of police departments for the purpose of training their new recruits and providing refresher training to their current officers without having to use more expensive authentic weapons in training scenarios.
While many games have evolved from the use of these guns, perhaps the most popular is MilSim. A military simulation game that comprises of two teams of players that plan out extensive battle strategies and often play continuously for several days in a row. Players often remain in the field until the game has completely ended and often use radios, rations and even explosives.
With replica m16's and other traditional military weapons these battles can often look like the real thing since players are often required to dress in particular military uniforms. In other cases the players wear regular civilian clothing rather than fatigues. These skirmishes where the players wear civilian clothing are called skirmish in silly kit or SISK.
While MilSim tends to be the most popular sport it is by far not the only sport. Unlike paint-ball, another popular war simulation game, Airsoft requires a player to uphold an honor system. In paint ball the paint pellets that are fired by the guns leave obvious paint markings on the players when they are hit. With airsoft guns, there is not this obvious marking and so the player must be honest about when they have been hit and where.
Due to the exactness of these guns some areas have restricted their use, such as large inner cities. In the United States these guns are required to contain orange markings that are permanent. So they can be quickly distinguished from authentic fire-arms.
Airsoft guns can be found at many sporting good outlets and often at stores or kiosks set up strictly for the sale of these guns and related items. There are also a large number of providers available via the internet. - 29951
About the Author:
Author information: Anthony Carter loves everything about airsoft guns. If you want to find great airsoft gun then JD Airsoft Guns is the place to go.